Welcome to AGS Forums

Law forums

AGS provides a wide variety of annual and biennial legal forums for Australian Government employees. These include our flagship biennial forums on constitutional law, administrative law, intellectual property, and information and communications technology, as well as annual forums in employment law, FOI and privacy, property and infrastructure, and the civil regulators forum.

They are presented by AGS experts and specialists and will often also feature invited speakers including judges, senior politicians and academics.

AGS is reviewing our 2021 forum program and exploring format options so that we can continue to deliver our high-quality legal conferences to you in this current climate.

Upcoming Forums and events

LawTech seminar series

The series aims to provide an introduction to legal and technical developments arising from the use of artificial intelligence in government, legal institutions and parts of the private sector of relevance to government entities.

No other upcoming forums

For up to date information about upcoming AGS forums, please visit the Law forums page on the AGS website